Brandon's Story

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My First Love

Brandon arrived in NH in shambles!

For years, I had been fascinated by the beautiful German bisque dolls - especially the babies - but I was sure I could never hope to own one. Then I met Darlene, who had a passion for them... The rest is history! Being a curious soul, I couldn't help but take advantage of her expertise by asking questions, and lots of them! I would look through ebay listings and when something caught my eye, I would send her the auction with my questions and she would patiently answer all my ignorant little queries. Then one day it happened. I opened an auction and the little face I saw there stole my heart! With slightly shaky hands, I sent the auction off to Darlene, fearful she would find my little treasure unacceptable in some way, but instead, she said the auction was worth watching. It was a painfully long week and I must have opened that listing at least 100 times - not to mention how much email chatter was going back and forth between the two of us! It was finally decided that Darlene would do the bidding and my baby boy would go to New Hampshire first for proper inspection and a hospital stay. I'm not sure who was more nervous the night it closed! But she won him and after what seemed like another eternity, I got her notice that he had arrived safe and sound. His bisque was perfect, but the eyes weren't his and there was major damage that hadn't been pictured in the listing! :o( Needless to say, it was several months before I saw my baby in person, and by then we had put our heads together and come up with "Brandon Patrick" for his name and in so doing, set the tone for my naming of all my dolls to come by matching the initials of their manufacturer.

And as you can see, today Brandon is a beautiful little boy, dressed in his baby gown and chattering up a storm when the door to the sewing room is closed!


Brandon's adventure played an important role in my life. The first time I ever touched an antique bisque doll was when I visited Darlene in Maine in 2002. I was scared half to death!!! But once Brandon happened, a door was opened. Maybe it was just because he was begging me in a dolly way for a sister... But I looked at the lovely job Darlene had done in bringing my little waif to life and I suddenly knew I could learn to do that, too, if I put the effort into it - and besides, even at her "family and friends rate" there was no way I could continue to afford to hire her to do any more doctoring and still buy dolls, too! Thanks, Darlene - and Brandon! :o)

I'm having fun!

Click here for a picture of me with Brandon's Auntie Darlene

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